Thursday, May 16, 2013

Kagome introduces herself...

Gentlemen, Gentlemen, please...
We all are quite excited to begin this trip. I know that Shelia is very excited about the expedition that we have been chosen for, or at least that is what her husband keeps telling me. The man simply needs to learn to keep his hands to himself. For now, knowing the history of the rune lord and the glutony and lust that they produced I desire nothing more than to dive deep into their world and simply bathe in their brilliance. This fine, yet very boastful man, Guapee over here seems to wish to join us and we can all use a tad bit of buffonery to keep us warm and jovial at night. I simply hope you all know that I expect you each to push me to my breaking point, and I promise you that the toys and skills I have prepared for our adventure will Wow each and every one of you, well except that Uli chick who lives out in the barn..... I keep attempting to express to her how terrible she smells and she simply won't listen, but as Shelia's husband keeps telling me, "she is special".... no shit..
Enough of my rambling; although I am so grateful that you all kept your eyes transfixed upon me... we are only days away from the greatest adventure of our lives, and I for one am so excited I could explode...
On a secondary note, I think it is improtant to discuss our future together. I for one would be happy to swing both ways... I'm just saying, the thought of role playing as a different person every few months is something that really brings my level of excitement to heights I did not know could be reached. The more we get to play together the more excited I become. Whatever this fantastic group decides I will back with my whole being. I recongize the struggle and complexity of running a large campaign alone. Whether we swing between two different paths, decide upon a single path and switch betwen people to take control of the situation, or dive into random dungeons at our leisure I will be happy. But I would hope we can all put aside the future for just one day, and live in the moment while I, Kagome, give myself completely to my fellow adventurers. We will build levels of trust that will shatter the star...

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