Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Lower Levels of the Crowe

Anyone who peeks over Garath's shoulder is able to see the maps and notations Garath has made regarding the lower levels of the Crowe . . .

30- Fight with ants
31- Mining mites flee
32- Black widow fight
33- Zugga's "throne room"
34- Secret door!
35- Mites' bedchamber (abandoned)
36- Stairs down
37- Water spider's lair


38- Stairs back up
39- Dog spider battle, nearly killed Garath
40- Sinspawn in cages
41- Webbed spider lair... Garath navigated this in dark
42- Healing pool
43- Ancient kitchen (centipedes in ovens)
44- Ancient pantry (skeleton servers)
45- Battle with Clickylegs
46- Barracks leading to stairs down . . .

He has not yet set down the map for the lowest level, wherein there be devils.

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