Thursday, September 5, 2013

The bireme sets sail...

As you watch, the sides of the vessel suddenly sprout oars, and a several deck hands run up from below and scurry into the rigging to unfurl the ship's large, single sail. The ship starts to move out of the bay out to sea, and as its speed rises, you are able to spy two flags fluttering from an ensign staff at the rear of the boat:


  1. “Ahh, that is a Taldan merchant vessel. As you can clearly see from the erect mast, that top flag is the flag of Taldor. Now the bottom flag is more obscure. Fortunately for you all, I had some special training under a few of the noble ladies of Taldor while at the Kitharodian Academy. That lower flag is of one of the various merchant families within Taldor. That particular flag is one I saw in Oppara a few times. I believe it belongs to one of the noble merchant families, though which specific one eludes me at the moment. Had I not spent so many nights under the sweet intoxication of amor, I might recall better.” A face-wide sheepish grin overtakes Alejandro. “Amor was one of the finest lovers in all of Oppara.”

  2. As Kagome holds Uli close to her chest, as Uli seems distraught in a way none of you have ever seen, with Uli's eyes gushing with tears, Kagome turns to the party; "Gentlemen, that symbol, this Taldan family is important. I don't know exactly how, but Uli wears their symbol. She has always worn their symbol. And now she is very worried about Captain Heidmarch. I do not know if they are connected but I trust Uli in a way that I have not trusted anyone in a long time. We need to find out everything we can about this family... They may be involved some how in the disappearance of people here in the city and must have something to do with Uli and her past. I do not know what, and I am not good at researching these sorts of things but when we get back to town please we must look into these things... It is of the up most importance, I can feel it in my blood..."

