Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Life in Dockway

Coming and going from your current headquarters, The Old Fang tavern, you all have become quite familiar with the Dockway district.
Dockway's most incredible feature is the sprawling Bazaar of Sails, yet the district itself is more than merely one enormous market. The waterfront is a constantly bustling scene of activity as ships bearing travelers and cargo vie for dock space, and even the neighborhoods farthest from the shore are noisy and raucous . The large number of fishing eagle nests amid the crags of the Seacleft are the source of the area's less common name, "Eagle's Quarter." The streets here are cobblestone, and buildings are an equal mix of stone and wood. Streets are patrolled regularly, yet the high volume of traffic and the district's close proximity to Underbridge make it difficult for guards and mercenary companies to always keep the peace.
Here are some spots some of you have become acquainted with: D1- Old Fang Tavern
D2- The Eyes of the Hawk - A statue monument that grants some powers... some of you know more about this
D5- The Bazaar of Sails - You all have passed through here several times, including when you were on way to first meet Fenster. Some of you had meat on a stick. But there's much more to the place than food vendors.
D6- The Captain's Club- A very upscale bar run by Leruu "Whitelips" Kantiki. Some of you have seen her and know more about this place.
D7- The Shucked Oyster - a brothel. none of you have been there, but some of you have had conversations with people about it.
D8- The Bronze House - a bronze-faced building with heavy doors emblazoned with sigils of three intertwined asps.
D9 - The Impound Yard- Ships for sale?
D12- Outcast Bay

1 comment:

  1. Re: Conditions at Old Fang
    The lodging is somewhere between fair/poor. Each room has a bunkbed, a couple of pieces of crappy furniture, and is only slightly larger than 10x10, each with one small window (all rooms are on second floor). The door to each room can be secured from the inside, but not from the outside. Crappy mattress & pillow, thin sheet. common privy that the whole floor shares. Rooms at the rear stink of the refuse and garbage thrown out of the rear.

    The food is slightly better. Mam does a decent stew, but it's the same old thing night after night. Breakfast is gruel, with a piece of fruit if Mam is feeling generous (but it's usually slightly past its prime.)

    The house itself is only slightly secure. Mam's quarters are adjacent to the tavern, and she locks up for the night (lodgers are locked in when the tavern shuts... generally around midnight). She opens up again early. No guard overnight other than one old hound who is a perpetual lodger in the common area of the bar. He's fat and half deaf and you don't think he'd so much as raise an alarm if anyone broke into the Old Fang.

    Mam likes you all and treats you well, but there are better places out there.
