Friday, June 14, 2013

The Bazaar of Sails

A destination for traders the world over, the Bazaar of Sails is the largest free market in Varisia. Anyone with merchandise to sell is welcome to set up a tent, booth, or wagon among the hundreds of other ever- changing shops that fill the dockside plaza. Crops from local farmers, weapons and metal goods, Varisian artifact s , Osirian spices, Chelish finery, Andoran quartos , and more exotic goods from a hundred foreign ports fill the market, with each day's offerings varying with the season, trade winds , and tides. As merchants eagerly trade, competitions, rivalries, and all manner of criminal temptations arise. Although the market welcomes all comers, the ever- changing crowd, shouts of exotic traders , and generally raucous bustle make the place a nightmare for the local watch to patrol and mete out justice.


  1. Alejandro, Gareth, Kagome, and Krangk made their way to the Bazaar of Sails to sell the recently acquired merchandise, and to seek out the Princess of the Bazaar to return the recovered pendant. In wandering through the market, Kagome spoke with a few different merchants. The second one encountered, Hakim Singh (Walter), was sooo enthralled by her beauty that he agreed to give a significantly more for the items sold than the other merchants. Having sold all of the mundane items, the group then sought audience with the Princess of the Bazaar, Sabriyya Kalmeralm.
    Sabriyya was found wandering through the Bazaar talking with a few merchants. She didn't appear to have any bodyguards but she is bristling with weapons of her own. With the appropriate levels of respect, Alejandro was able to introduce himself and his associates. Whoo'ed at once by the talents of his tongue, Sabriyya inquired from Alejandro the nature of his business in the market. Already familiar with the great deeds of the A-team, Alejandro presented the Princess of the Bazaar with the pendant recovered from the Crow. Taken aback by Alejandro's grand gesture, Sabriyya invited the group to discuss more privately in a nearby tent. Recognizing the amazing talents of the A-team, Sabriyya requested from Alejandro to bring back the remains of her fallen father. Noting the esteem in which he holds the Princess, Alejandro agreed to recover the former Prince of the Bazaar's remains. So enamored with Alejandro and the deeds of the A-team, Sabriyya gave to Alejandro the Pendant of Souk... a wondrous medallion that enhances the wearers ability to ascertain the value of items. It is a badge of honor given to those that assist the Princess of the Bazaar.

  2. Having the esteem of the protector of the Bazaar, the group were given extra special deals on items throughout the Bazaar. Among the specials they found were:

    Minor Potions

    25% discount

    Potion of Magic Fang
    Potion or Oil of Invisibility
    Potion of Resist Energy (type) 10
    Potion of Protection From Arrows 10/magic
    Potion of Hide From Undead
    Potion of Undetectable Alignment

    30% discount

    Potion of Remove Paralysis
    Oil of Magic Weapon
    Potion of Cure Light Wounds
    Potion of Cure Moderate Wouunds

    40% discount

    Potion of Darkvison
    Potion of Fox's Cunning
    Potion of Mage Armor
    Potion of Bear's Endurance

    Medium Potions

    25% discount

    Potion of Displacement
    Potion of Undetectable Alignment
    Potion of Lesser Resoration

    30% discount

    Potion of Neutralize Poison
    Potion of Fox's Cunning
    Potion of Displacement
    Potion of Haste
    Oil of Greater Magic Weapon +1

    35% discount

    Potion of Protection From Arrows 10/magic
    Potion of Delay Poison

    Major Potions

    25% discount

    Potion of Displacement
    Potion of Cure Serious Wounds
    Potion of Water Walk

    30% discount

    Potion of Cure Moderate Wounds

    Minor Scroll

    25% discount

    Arcane: Detect Undead (@1st);
    Arcane: Magic Aura (@1st); Hypnotism (@1st); Mirror Image (@3rd);
    Arcane: Continual Flame (@3rd); Detect Secret Doors (@1st);
    Arcane: Whispering Wind (@3rd); Web (@3rd);
    Arcane: Expeditious Retreat (@1st); Owl's Wisdom (@3rd); Cat's Grace (@3rd);

    30% discount

    Arcane: Fog Cloud (@3rd); Darkness (@3rd);
    Divine: Inflict Moderate Wounds (@3rd); Undetectable Alignment (@3rd); Owl's Wisdom (@3rd);
    Divine: Desecrate (@3rd); Bane (@1st);

    Medium Scroll

    25% discount

    Divine: Magic Vestment (@5th); Sending (@7th); Planar Ally, Lesser (@7th);
    Arcane: Dimension Door (@7th); Magic Weapon, Greater (@5th); Dimension Door (@7th);
    Arcane: Shadow Conjuration (@7th); Slow (@5th);

    Minor Rings

    25% discount

    Force Shield

    35% discount

    Animal Friendship

    Medium Rods

    25% discount

    Metamagic, Enlarge, Lesser

    Minor Wands

    25% discount

    Enlarge Person
    Owl's Wisdom
    Detect Secret Doors

    30% discount

    Burning Hands
    Cure Moderate Wounds

    35% discount

    Summon Monster II

    Minor Wondrous Items

    25% discount

    Bead of Force
    Necklace of Fireballs type III
    Elixir of Vision

    30% discount

    Bracers of Armor +1
    Elixir of Truth

    Minor Armor


    Heavy Steel Shield +1
    Buckler +1
    Heavy Steel Shield +1

    30% discount

    Heavy Steel Shield +1
    Full Plate +1
    Hide +2

    Minor Weapon

    25% discount

    Spiked Gauntlet +1
    Longspear +1
    Orc Double Axe +1
    Punching Dagger +1

    30% discount

    Light Pick +2
    Handaxe +1
    Longspear +1, Merciful

    35% discount

    Spear +1
    Repeating Crossbow +1
    Masterwork Cold Iron Longsword

    Alejandro suggests picking up a few potions of CLW and CMW for emergency situations. And a potion of lesser Res could also come in handy.

  3. Discount items bought in the market by the party so far: Potion of CMW and Potion of Lesser Restoration bought by Alejnadro. Potion of CLW bought by Krangk. Scrolls of Mirror Image and Darkness bought by Garath.
